Monday, January 12, 2009

On the Bigger Picture and Store Locations.

I've realized that I only make blogs every time I just need to vent something or get something out. This'll satisfy me for about a week. First off, I'd like to apologize to Chris for making his day absolutely miserable. Although, that's what you get for being happy, you fucker :D. I'd also like to point out that I'm sad cause SOMEONE didn't accept my gift of Hot Cheetos. Now I'd like to point out that if you're reading this, I'd really rather you mind your own business. See that? Writer-reader interaction. I'm doing it cause I'm so damn good at writing.
Oh look at that, paragraph 2. Don't you guys wish you were as good a writer as me? More writer-reader interaction. And by reader, I mean the four people who are going to click the link in my profile. Assumtions do not, in fact, make me an ass. I'm an ass, because it's my job to be one. How ass-ish of me to say that. See what I mean?
Hah; paragraph 3. I'm so good at this. I'm a greedy person. "Bawwwwwwww; QQ; Crymoar; How degrading of yourself; lern2selfesteem; whatever". I'm an ass because I'm greedy. Take today; for example. Oh hah, no example. I'm not including any private shit in here.
So I'm went to my orthodontist's (ooh, big word) after school and he told me I'm getting my braces off next month. So I'm like, "FUCK YEAH, LET'S GO TO IN-N-OUT TO CELEBRATE". And the drive-thru and inside lines were absolutely tremendous. You couldn't even get into the parking lot because of all the cars waiting in line. So we went to the Taco Bell right next to it, and it was empty. Absolutely. Empty. I almost felt bad, cause the drive-thru guy kept looking over at the In-N-Out line. So I ordered like a 9 dollar meal just to make them feel better. Except that burrito gave me gas; so fuck you Taco Bell.